Complementary Services

Lectures, courses and training

We aim to raise awareness and train workers and companies regarding the importance of sleep as an agent for enhancing worker health and safety, through two models: 

  • Targeted at workers with the aim of raising awareness about health, safety and fatigue aspects;
  • Aimed at managers with the objective of presenting CEMSA actions.

Legal health consultancy

Legal health consultancy operates with a focus on preventing and managing legal, regulatory and financial risks. We offer: analysis and/or preparation of additive terms, terms of adhesion, operational annexes, user manuals, consultative guidance, preparation of legal opinions based on worker health.

Educational material for workers and their families

With the aim of disseminating the importance of sleep for health and maintaining safety in the workplace, CEMSA develops booklets, comic books, and refrigerator magnets aimed at workers and their families. In this way, workers receive information about sleep, fatigue and also tips on which strategies can be used to better deal with the work schedule, in order to improve their quality of life. Meanwhile, the family also receives recommendations to help the worker recover.


Interventions to adapt the scale, prevent accidents and maximize productivity

After the initial assessment of workers, it is possible to intervene to improve their health, quality of life and, consequently, performance at work. This multidisciplinary intervention covers: 

      • Treatments for sleep and biological rhythm disorders;
      • Physical exercise routines;
      • Nutritional and psychological assistance;
      • Light therapy.

Planning strategies to reduce fatigue and manage fatigue

CEMSA creates and provides strategies to minimize and even eliminate fatigue in the workplace. Some of the strategies include:

  • Workers management: there are individuals who adapt more easily to a night and shift work routine, through the analysis of their behavioral and genetic profile, it is possible to identify these preferences. With this information in hand, the company manager can direct a specific employee to night work or, if this is not possible, delegate tasks with a lower risk of accidents to those workers who are not suitable for night work. 
  • Restructuring the working day: some workers may experience a level of fatigue above that allowed by the company on isolated days or for several consecutive days. Each situation requires a different approach, so employees who arrive at the company fatigued on isolated days may be directed to tasks that require less concentration and focus, while those who are more rested are considered capable of taking on more complex tasks. Furthermore, some companies reward workers who do not exceed the fatigue limit allowed by the company. This way, it is possible to guarantee that the worker will actually rest during his break. In the case of workers who exceed the permitted level of fatigue for several consecutive days, the company identifies the factor causing their inability to rest, which may be related to a serious illness in the family, financial debts, difficulty with eating schedules , high frequency of illness, especially constant colds and flu, nutritional imbalance, relationship problems with children or sleep disorders. Thus, it is possible to improve the quality of life and health of workers, valuing their work and welcoming them when necessary and, consequently, improving their performance at work.


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