CEMSA – Multidisciplinary Center for Sleepiness and Accidents is based in Belo Horizonte – MG and its main activity is managing the risk of fatigue, a fundamental factor for safety and performance at work.
Provide quality of life, increase worker safety and performance through the provision of effective services and actions for the sustainable management of human factors.
CEMSA aims to be a center of excellence and reference in Latin America in the provision of services and innovation applied in the area of occupational health and safety.
Health and quality of life come first;
Respect and integrity;
Efficiency and focus on results;
Scientific support;
Team work;
Support and encouragement for research,
Sustainable solutions.
Analyze the work schedule and its impacts on the operation;
Offer better performance during the workday;
Reduce absenteeism and turnover;
Reduce equipment downtime, fuel consumption and maintenance costs;
Predict moments of worker attention deficit and increase their productivity and efficiency;
Increased productivity;
Prevention of accidents during the working day;
Propose treatment for workers who experience sleep disorders;
Propose strategies to mitigate the effects of fatigue and tiredness resulting from shift work;
Provide safer operations;
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